Rule #1: Everybody follow the rules. No exceptions.
Rule #2: Everybody follow the rules or make their own rules. No exceptions.
Rule #3: Those who follow the rules, should think more outside the box.
Rule #4: Those who make their own rules, should think about their ego centrism.
Rule #5: Those who cite rule 3 and 4, are lazy cynics.
Rule #6: Everybody likes tofu.
Rule #7: No one likes burned tofu.
Rule #8: Everybody blame somebody else.
Rule #9: Everybody deliver.
Rule #10: Those who do not deliver, those characters will be eaten by the TRASH MONSTER within three months.
Rule #11: A PROOF is not sign, that you've actually done something
Rule #12: A PROOF is not a sign, that you've actually changed the world
Rule #13: A PROOF is not a sign.
Rule #14: A PROOF is not.
Rule #15: A PROOF is.
Rule #16: A PROOF.
Rule #17: A.
Rule #18: April is one of the best months in the year.
Rule #19: May is even better.
Rule #20: From Nothing comes Nothing.
Rule #21: From Nothing comes Nothing, but only if you embrace the Nothingness.
Rule #22: From Nothing sometimes comes something, but only if you're not scared.
Rule #23: The TRASH MONSTER is a pretty guy.
Rule #24: Next LEVEL: Try to be a better person.
Rule #25: If you want to MOVE, it's sometimes good to call a cab.
Rule #26: Everything's for free, even cabs.
Rule #27: Everything's for free, except money.
Rule #28: Dadaism was nice guy.
Rule #29: Nothing produced today? Send a screen cap you lazy neck beard.
Rule #30: The Password is: Shoes.
Rule #31: The Password is: Don't be so hard on yourself.
Rule #32: Always empty a bucket if find one.
Rule #33: Rules are actually useless.
Rule #32: Always think about consequences.
Rule #33: Thinking about consequences can make you crazy. Stop now.
Rule #34: If there's a beautiful character, someone will try to destroy it.
Rule #35: Always refuse destruction.
Rule #36: Complex characters are the GOAL
Rule #37: The GOAL is to survive.
Rule #38: The GOAL is describes you as a person.
Rule #39: The GOAL is to find as many buckets as you can.
Rule #40: The GAME is pretty awesome.
Rule #41: Always doubt the GAME.
Rule #42: There will be always more CRITICISM than ACTION
Rule #43: ACTION is the GAME's essence.
Rule #44: CRITICISM is the GAME's future.
Rule #45: If someone tells you to stop, you just go on.
Rule #46: If someone tells you, they like your stuff, they are just trying to bring you down.
Rule #47: There is never enough time.
Rule #48: There is no excuse for not delivering.
Rule #49: There is nothing to understand.
Rule #50: Always praise the LEVEL MASTER.
Rule #51: Always discuss the LEVEL MASTER.
Rule #52: Beta is the new alpha.
Rule #53: Apples are the new oranges.
Rule #54: Desert is the new sea.
Rule #55: At night, things can change completely.
Rule #56: The time in the game is stated by its players.
Rule #57: The time is 15:24 h (Europe).
Rule #58: Everybody can time travel.
Rule #59: Everybody can shape shift.
Rule #60: There's nothing to learn from this game.
Rule #61: If it exists, it will be found in the GAME.
Rule #62: If it does not exist, it will be found in the GAME. No exceptions.
Rule #63: Everybody is the GAME MASTER
Rule #64: To create a whole world with so many GAME MASTER's is impossible.
Rule #65: The GOAL is to imagine the impossible.
Rule #66: Always express your anger.
Rule #67: Always comment the other players actions.
Rule #68: If you're not delivering, you comments are useless.
Rule #69: There's always someone, that is better in what you are doing. Don't cry.
Rule #70: If there wasn't someone better than you, you just wouldn't have noticed yet.
Rule #71: VISIONS are the GAME talking to you.
Rule #72: Don't listen to the GAME. There's always something better to be done.
Rule #73: The GAME will always be here. You can start it, when you're 80.
Rule #74: Don't let yourself get caught by group dynamics.
Rule #75: Always stick to the GUILD's GOAL.
Rule #76: Always do the contrary from what you're told. No exceptions.
Rule #77: If someone offends you, draw an angel.
Rule #78: Your RANKING stats show, how social you are.
Rule #79: Your RANKING stats show, how needy of affection you are.
Rule #80: There a re never enough buckets for everyone.
Rule #81: If you need a lot of something, FARM it.
Rule #82: Monsters drop everything you need. Kill them.
Rule #83: Every time you kill a monster, a cute baby animal dies.
Rule #84: Always show your INVENTORY.
Rule #85: If you loose something from your INVENTORY, you will have to take and drop a QUEST to get it back.
Rule #86: Don't cheat.
Rule #87: Cheating is the AUTO ROUTE to CREATION.
Rule #88: Being an INSIDER will always make you an OUTSIDER somewhere else.
Rule #89: You will never be an INSIDER of the GAME.
Rule #90: Never talk about the GAME. Always talk IN the game.
Rule #91: Never explain anything to anybody.
Rule #92: If you find a chatter bot or any ...-creator in the nets, you must use it for the game. No exceptions.
Rule #93: Insects can be annoying. Don't be such an insect.
Rule #94: If you play the GAME you might feel like GOD. If you don't play it, you might feel like a HYBRID.
Rule #95: Luther has nothing to so with the number of rules.


Du kannst dich in der Spielwelt frei bewegen und alles tun, was du möchtest. Du kannst sie auch verlassen oder zerstören. Allerdings kann es sein, dass die anderen Spieler die Zerstörung nicht als real akzeptieren.


Spielziel kann für jeden ein anderes sein. Im Idealfall ist es die Fortentwicklung der Rahmengeschichte und das komplexer werden deines Characters.


Wer du im Spiel bist, kannst du frei entscheiden. Allerdings bekommst du von mir ein Label dafür, in welcher Form du hauptsächlich am Spiel teilnimmst. Das kann STORYTELLER, POET, MOVIEMAKER, JOURNALIST, PAINTER, PERFORMER aber auch SALESMAN oder MATHEMATICIAN sein.


Wenn du Level 10 errreicht hast, erhältst du ein Geschenk (wenn du möchtest).

Das PRESENT für STORYTELLER, POETS, MOVIEMAKER, JOURNALIST, PAINTER, etc. wird entsprechend ihrer Ausdrucksform gestaltet.


Die Kommentarfunktion ist on. Sie kann z.B. als Forum oder Chat verwendet werden. Bitte keine unfaire Kritik, Beschimpfung oder sonstiges dem Spielfortbestand abträgliches.


Mehrere Mitspieler können (auch allein) sich zu Gilden zusammenschliessen. Im Idealfall hat die Gilde ein gemeinsames Ziel oder Spiel-Weltanschauung.

Was ich nicht so toll finde

Spam, Copyrightverletzungen, unfaire Kritik und mich moralisch in Schwierigkeiten bringen. LERKE vergibt nicht, LERKE vergisst nicht.

Was du schreibst, bleibt

Alles, was ich mit deinem Einverständnis gepostet habe, bleibt auf dem Blog (bis auf Ernstfälle). Aus Zeitgründen.